1. Casio G-SHOCK
I bought this watch from ebay, I like it very much. To be true with you I didn't knew what a G-SHOCK is until I heard Bow Wow's lyrics, and I saw some pics with him and he had a white G-SHOCK
well, it's a nice G-SHOCK, don't ? but here is my own g-shock (my first item bought from ebay)

2. Supra Shoes
A friend of mine, from my dancing team, told me about some supra shoes, I asked him, "wtf man? supra? what supra?" and he told me that supra it's a shoe company, like nike, adidas and all that. The thing is that I didn't ever heard about Supra, but he told me that Lil' Wayne wears Supra shoes "OOOO!" so I got home and turn on my computer, mozilla firefox, google, supra shoes, and I really wondered to see Lil' Wayne wearing Supra, because I didn't heard about that company. So it past weeks, until I got some money, and with $101 I bought my own Supra shoes. Take a look at the pic :D
I am waiting to finish another project, so that I can buy another one. But I have to tell you, this shoes are only original if they have a pocket inside, take a good look there before buying a $100 pair of shoes.
3. Omarion Chain
Omarion Chain, you know Omarion right ? His the "kinf of dance", and now his a judge at ABDC (Americas Best Dance Crew). O is my favourite dancer, I saw him the first time in the movie "You got Served". It's a very good movie, about dancing, and friendships. So... just to be clear, I don't have the omarion chain now, but I will get it (i hope) as soon as possible. This is a similar chain like O's chain, because it's the same thing (hi's chain is from platinum, but this one, nope:D). I attached here a picture, please leave a comment and tell me what you think And... don't worry I will keep you in touch here on music to blog, when I will own this chain, and other things. I could buy this chain last month, but from what I made last month as freelancer, I took the cash:D